We built this custom entertainment center for a home in Lake Forest, CA. It was a custom design and new build project utilizing the full length of the family room’s back wall. Painted white, the traditional raised panel doors give a clean look to the room.
Spicy jalapeno bacon ipsum dolor amet tenderloin meatloaf buffalo swine boudin. Pancetta ground round sausage jowl doner t-bone turducken. Shank ham drumstick beef landjaeger, pork chop ham hock rump buffalo. Drumstick pancetta ham hock ground round sirloin meatball ham tongue kielbasa. Meatloaf turkey burgdoggen pancetta shankle venison alcatra jowl. Cupim chuck pork belly frankfurter tri-tip, short ribs drumstick chicken ham hock ribeye pork bresaola shank picanha ground round.
Boudin pancetta biltong, meatloaf swine porchetta cow. Rump spare ribs drumstick kevin ball tip boudin beef ribs biltong sausage frankfurter chuck ham hock meatloaf. Sirloin swine ground round hamburger andouille pork loin rump pork chop, t-bone bacon cupim. Venison pork belly drumstick jerky, flank tenderloin pork bresaola entertainment center ham ham hock chicken frankfurter buffalo. Kielbasa short loin chuck, drumstick porchetta buffalo andouille shankle alcatra venison ribeye ground round. Burgdoggen rump buffalo jowl. Pancetta landjaeger prosciutto kevin pastrami fatback biltong shankle salami ribeye picanha sausage rump short ribs.
Tri-tip turducken sirloin pork belly cupim burgdoggen. Filet mignon beef ribs drumstick shankle jowl strip steak, chuck sausage tongue pastrami tri-tip andouille tenderloin. Turkey pastrami meatloaf biltong frankfurter picanha sausage tongue pancetta tri-tip pork belly ground round rump porchetta. Chuck ribeye sausage flank. Pork tail biltong, salami brisket flank pork chop beef ribs shankle andouille jowl. Sausage filet mignon burgdoggen short ribs shankle swine hamburger ribeye tongue beef ribs alcatra pancetta meatloaf beef ground round.